Elizabeth Brownrigg
Elizabeth Brownrigg
Frontispiece from God’s revenge against murder! Or, the tragical
histories and horrid cruelties
of Elizabeth Brownrigg, midwife, to
Mary Mitchell, Mary Jones, & Mary Clifford, her three
London, 1767? From the Boston Medical Library in the Francis A.
Countway Library of Medicine.
Elizabeth Brownrigg
Mrs Brownrigg in the cell at Newgate Prison, London; Elizabeth
Brownrigg was executed
on 14 September 1767 for the murder of Mary
Clifford, one of her apprentices.
Mrs Brownrigg in the cell at Newgate Prison, London; Elizabeth
Brownrigg was executed
on 14 September 1767 for the murder of Mary
Clifford, one of her apprentices.
Elizabeth Brownrigg
Elizabeth Brownrigg
Dossier on Elizabeth Brownrigg.
London: Neele & Stockley, late 18th cent. Mrs Brownrigg in the cell
at Newgate Prison, London;
Elizabeth Brownrigg was executed for Prentice-cide in 1767 having
brutally punished her
apprentices until one died; also shown is the kitchen where girls
were often whipped
and tortured and the hole under the stairs where both were confined
on Sundays.
The skeleton of Elizabeth Brownrigg, displayed in a niche at the
Royal College of Surgeons.
(Credit: Wellcome Library, London)