She was later acquitted by a Royal Commission and a third
inquest, in 1995,
left an open finding on the death.

Officials, doubtful that a dingo was strong enough to drag away a
baby, charged Lindy with murder.
Prosecutors said she slit Azaria's
throat in the family car - which initial forensic tests said was
splashed with baby's blood - and buried her in the desert.

Lindy Chamberlain and her husband Michael Chamberlain with sons
Aidan (6) and Reagan (4)
claiming that a dingo had taken baby
daughter Azaria Chamberlain.

Lindy Chamberlain and her husband Michael Chamberlain.

Lindy Chamberlain and her husband Michael Chamberlain.

Lindy Chamberlain wears a police officer's hat during the first
inquest in 1981
into her daughter Azaria's death.
(Picture courtesy
of Sunday night, Channel 7)

Lindy Chamberlain just before the birth in custody of her
daughter Kahlia in 1982.
(Picture courtesy of Sunday night, Channel 7)

Lindy Chamberlain with nursing staff and newborn baby Kahlia soon
after she was released
from jail into
Casurina Hospital in 1982.
(Picture courtesy of Sunday night, Channel 7)

Juror Yvonne Cain and Lindy Chamberlain after
Lindy's release from jail.

Lindy Chamberlain

Lindy Chamberlain

Lindy arrives at Yulara Airport, NT, on her way to advise the
makers of a television mini series
about her baby daughter Azaria's
1980 disappearance.

Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton arrives at Darwin Magistrates Court
for the first day of the
fourth inquest into
the disappearance of
her daughter, Azaria Chamberlain, more than
30 years ago in Darwin,
on 24 February 2012.

Chamberlain-Creighton (right) shows off daughter Azaria's death
certificate in Darwin
as ex-husband Michael Chamberlain
(left) looks on after a coroner ruled that a dingo
snatched baby
Azaria Chamberlain from a tent in the Australian desert 32 years ago
ending a case that caused a global sensation. (Photo: AFP/AAP/Patrina