Photo of a group of people around Barbara Graham. Some of the people
Graham's Attorney's and two women Deputy Sheriff's.
Barbara Graham, who was implicated in the Burbank murder of wealthy
Mrs. Mabel Monahan
appeared in Municipal Court for a preliminary hearing on charges
that she wrote bad
checks while hiding from officers investigating the murder.
Photo of Barbara Graham holding her son, Tommy. Her ex-husband,
Henry Graham is on the left.
Barbara Graham in conference with her attorneys Benjamin Wolfe
(left) and Jack Hardy.
Defendants Barbara Graham and Emmett Perkins looks over their
while sitting in the courtroom.
This trio suspected in the Shorter kidnapping and Monahan murder
hide their faces in the
office of Police Chief William Parker. Seated from left to right:
Emmett Perkins, Jack
Santo and Barbara Graham.
The accused stood emotionless in court as the jury read its verdict
of "Guilty without a recommendation
of mercy". Both Jack Santo (left) and Emmett Perkins were sentenced
to death. Barbara Graham
won a delay in sentencing by obtaining a new attorney. She faces
similar death sentence
if the judge denies her a new trial.
Deserted by her husband who failed to back her alibi, Barbara Graham
confers with her
co-defendants, Jack Santo (left) and Emmett Perkins in the Monohan
murder case.
Defendants Emmett Perkins and Barbara Graham sitting in the
courtroom, Monohan murder case.
Barbara Graham, thunderstruck, as she listens to her own voice
on Dick Tracy device held by Police Technician Roger Otis.