Caroline Grills became known as 'Aunty
Thally' after being convicted of the thallium poisoning murders.
(Picture: NWN Library Source:
The Daily Telegraph).

Grills would slip thallium into cups of tea or home-baked goodies
and serve them to her family.
(Picture: NWN Library
Source: The Daily Telegraph)

Mrs Caroline Grills arrives at the Coroner's Court, George St in

Blinded Mrs Lundberg (middle) for whose attempted murder Mrs
Grills was convicted.
Pictured with her daughter Christina and
son-in-law John.
(Picture: NWN Library. Source: The Daily Telegraph)

A newspaper clipping about Caroline Grills with the headline
'Kindly housewife won
infamy as mass poisoner'.
(Picture: NWN

Thallium and its compounds are often highly toxic. Among the
distinctive effects of thallium
poisoning are
loss of hair (which
led to its initial use as a depilatory before its toxicity
properly appreciated) and
damage to peripheral nerves (victims may
experience a
sensation of walking on hot coals). Thallium
was once
an effective murder weapon
before its effects became understood, and
an antidote
(Prussian blue) discovered.