Ruth JUDD |

A smiling Winnie Ruth Judd
leaves the Grand Jury after telling her story, and after having
"I never felt happier in my life"--even though she is
sentenced to hang on February 17.
Her life was spared, and she was
sentenced to serve time in a state mental hospital.

Winnie Ruth Judd in prison,
awaiting news on whether she would hang,
or be committed to a state
mental hospital.

Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Joy McKinnell, parents of
Winnie Ruth Judd, are pictured in conference with
of their attorneys, Arthur C. Verge, as they map a self-defense
plea for their daughter, if she wins
her Arizona court appeal for a
retrial in the "trunk murders" case.

Photo shows Mrs. Winnie Ruth
Judd hale, hearty and smiling in the garden of the Arizona State
Judd mailed this photo to her attorney, Arthur C.
Verge, in Los Angeles after she made her
confession to the Phoenix
grand jury. In background is the prison wall topped by bars.
dated: December 31, 1932.

Photograph of a note that simply reads "From her
brother, Mrs. Ruth Judd."

A poem and drawing of two lizards (?) under a
cloud of death. Evidence from the
Winnie Ruth Judd
case, possibly drawn by her.

A nighttime photograph of the Ulysses apartments,
at 1130 Brill Street. Winnie Ruth Judd occupied
the apartment shown by the arrow. Judd dissected Samuelson's
body at this site, and repacked
both bodies into two trunks and a
suitcase, which were then sent to the railroad station
for shipment to
Los Angeles.

Attorney Dewar and Undersheriff Eugene Biscailuz
stand next to Winnie Ruth Judd as she is
for booking in Arizona. Sheriff McFadden is at extreme

First half of a handwritten note by Winnie Ruth Judd, used as evidence in the case against her.
This note, written on hospital letterhead, is one of the notes
addressed to her husband.
She discusses how busy she is, and where she
will be.

Photograph of the State of California extradition decree for
Winnie Ruth Judd, identifying her
as a murderer and
fugitive, and requesting her immediate capture and return to Arizona.