Brittany Norwood

Brittany Norwood

Brittany Norwood

Brittany Norwood

Police work at the scene where a body was found at a Lululemon
store in Bethesda on Saturday, March 12, 2011.
(AP Photo)

A Montgomery County PD crime scene investigator measures blood

A photograph inside the Lululemon Athletica shop in Bethesda,
Maryland, where Norwood
her colleague to death before staging a robbery.

Evidence: The blood-spattered evidence was shown in court.

The grisly crime scene at the yoga shop showed the savage and
prolonged attack.

Weapons cache: Police recovered more than half a dozen weapons that
were used in the killing.

This hammer was among the weapons used in the savage

Part of a metal merchandise rack that was one of at least six weapons
used to murder Miss Murray.
Norwood is said to have beaten her colleague over the head with it for
around 15 minutes

Norwood donned large, men's sneakers, in order
to track blood around the crime scene, in support
of her fabricated
alibi that two men had raped her and Murray, and murdered Murray.
The victim

Jayna Murray

Jayna Murray

Jayna Murray