Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manual Alvarez enters the courtroom, where Los Angeles
County Superior Court Judge William
R. Pounders tells him, "If there
were a sentence 'forever,' I would certainly give it to you."
Wells / Los Angeles Times / August
20, 2008)

Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manual Alvarez

Juan Manuel Alvarez, 29, yawns after his conviction on 11 counts of
first-degree murder
are read in court.
He was convicted of
causing a 2005 Metrolink rail disaster that
turned two commuter
trains into a
tangled mass of smoking wreckage littered
(Bob Chamberlain / Los Angeles Times)

survey the crash scene in Glendale, where a southbound Metrolink
commuter train
slammed into Alvarez's Jeep, which as parked on the
tracks. The train derailed, struck a parked
Union Pacific freight
train and then collided with a northbound Metrolink train.
(Brian Vander Brug /
Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2005)

The collision left
a tangled mess of twisted steel and debris, including seat cushions,
bloody towels and luggage discarded by fleeing passengers.
Vander Brug / Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2005)

A coroner's office
investigator looks over the crash scene. During five days of
testimony near the
start of the defense's presentation of its case,
Alvarez apologized for causing the tragedy, and
asked for
forgiveness from relatives of the victims. He told jurors that
although he expected
to be punished, he was "not a murderer".
(Rick Loomis / Los
Angeles Times / January 26, 2005)

Officials examine the crash scene near Glendale.
(Brian Vander Brug / Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2005)

A woman is whisked away by emergency personnel as she talks on a
cellphone after the derailment.
(Brian Vander Brug / Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2005)

A wheel and axle found at the site was thought to have been from the
Jeep Cherokee
parked on the tracks that led to the crash.
(Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2005)

Authorities use search dogs to help locate victims in the wreckage.
(Al Seib / Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2005)