Clarence Ray Allen is led to the lethal injection
chamber at San Quentin State Prison
Sketch by Bill Robles, Exclusively for CBS News and CBS 5

Clarence Ray Allen lies strapped on the gurney
inside San Quentin's execution chamber
Sketch by Bill Robles, Exclusively for CBS News and CBS 5

Clarence Ray Allen lies strapped on the gurney
inside San Quentin's execution chamber
Sketch by Bill Robles, Exclusively for CBS News and CBS 5

Clarence Ray Allen lies strapped on the gurney
inside San Quentin's execution chamber with a feather on his chest
Sketch by Bill Robles, Exclusively for CBS News and CBS 5

Clarence Ray Allen lies strapped on the gurney
inside San Quentin's execution
chamber with a feather on his chest
Sketch by Bill Robles, Exclusively for CBS News and CBS 5

Approximately 200 protesters gathered outside the
gates of San Quentin

San Quentin prison

Some said Allen's health should have given him
special consideration for a reprieve.

Family and friends got a chance to say goodbye

A crowd of protestors gathered outside of San

Bill Babbitt holds the death certificate of his
brother, executed killer Manny Babbitt, during a rally opposing the
death penalty January 12, 2005 on the steps of the California State
building in San Francisco. Death penalty opponents are protesting
the scheduled January 17th execution of Clarence Ray Allen and are
asking California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to cease all
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Allen turned 76 just hours before his execution.
The victims

Josephine Linda Rocha, 17.

Douglas Scott White, 18.

Bryon Schletewitz, 27.

Mary Sue Kitts, 17.