Emil BANKS |

George Banks arrest.

George Banks arrest.

George Banks arraignment.

In this Nov. 22, 1985, photo, convicted killer
George Banks, center, is led through
the Luzerne County, Pa. courthouse, on the way to his sentencing.

George Banks at sentence.

George Banks prison photo.


Wilkes-Barre (David Lohr)

Monroe Street (David Lohr)

Schoolhouse Lane (David Lohr)
Some victims

George Banks, (top) in a Pennsylvania courthouse
in 1985, was convicted of killing 13 people,
including (clockwise bottom) Montanzima Banks, Kissmayu Banks, Nancy
Lyons and Scott Mazzillo.

Regina Clemens (29), Girlfriend of George Banks
and Montanzima Banks.

Scott Mazzillo (7), nephew of Sharon Mazzillo, former girlfriend of
George Banks.

James Olsen (victim)