Mob Boss Louis Buchalter Smiling in Hand Cuff
November 16, 1939 - New York, New York: Louis (Lepke) Buchalter,
racket boss who
surrendered during
an intensive manhunt several months ago, beamingly posed for
picture as he recently visited
the Federal Building in connection with the
setting of a date for
his trial on 10 narcotic charges.

Louis Bulchalter Being Taken to Court
November 30, 1939 - Louis "Lepke" Buchalter, manacled to another
Federal prisoner, enters
a Marshall's
van at the conclusion of the
first day of his trial in Federal Court.
Federal prosecutor charged
Buchalter's dope ring used attractive young women to
do the actual
smuggling of narcotics.

Louis 'Lepke' Buchalter (1897-1944), leaving the Federal court in
New York City
in December
1939. The Murder,
Inc. boss was convicted of narcotics
Future convictions
for union racketeering and murder,
resulted in
his 1944
(Photo by Everett)

Defendants Charged with Murder in Court
August 4, 1941 - The four defendants who are charged with first
degree murder in the killing
of a Brooklyn
candy store proprietor as
they appeared today in Kings County Court when
jurors were called
for the trial.
L to R, Louis (Lepke) Buchalter, Emanuel (Mendy)
Weiss, Philip (Little Farvel) Cohen,
and Louis Capone
(no relation
to Al) are seated at the opening of the trial.
One hundred fourteen talesmen,
out of a
blue-ribbon panel of 250 indicated they would
seek exemption from
service on the jury. Leading to
doubts as to whether the trial
can be held before September.

Louis Buchalter Heavily Guarded In Court
August 4, 1941 - New York: Heavily guarded, Louis (Lepke)
Buchalter seated, left, went
on trial in Brooklyn
County Court, with
co-defendants Emanuel (Mandy) Weiss, Philip
(Little Farvel) Cohen,
and Louis Capone,
and charged with the shooting of Joseph
anti-Lepke witness in 1936.
They are seated, left to right,
in the
order named. Behind them are some of a small
army of officers
including court attendants and
(light suit), a U.S. Marshall.

Louis Buchalter Sitting in Car En Route to Court
November 30, 1941 - Face drawn and a glassy stare in his eyes, Louis (Lepke)
Buchalter, the one time
millionaire racket chief, seems to be trying
to penetrate the curtain of the future, as he sits in a police
with a detective (R), after leaving Brooklyn County Court.
A half
hour before he had heard the jury
convict him of murder in the first
degree, is seen this photo was
taken. Also sentenced with him were
his two former pals, Emanuel (Mendy) Weiss and Louis Capone.
death sentence is mandatory.
The jury had deliberated four hours and twenty minutes.

Louis Lepke Buchalter and Lawyers Standing at Judge's Seat
December 3, 1941 - This is the scene in the Brooklyn court as Judge
Taylor pronounced the death sentence
Louis Lepke Buchalter, (2),
Louis Capone, (3), and Mendy Weiss, (1).
Weiss was sentenced after Lepke and
Capone was third man to hear the grim word that doomed him to the
electric chair during the week of
January 4th. The three were sentenced for the murder of Joseph

Louis Capone and Mendy Weiss en Route to Sing Sing
December 3, 1941 - Louis Capone, (L) and Mendy Weiss are shown
manacled together
in the train that sped
them on their last ride "up
the river" to Sing Sing Prison.
They are sentenced to die during the
week of
January 4, for the murder of Joseph Rosen.
Capone managed to
generate a smile for the photographer,
while Weiss cocked a
quizzical eye at camera. Sentenced with them was Louis "Lepke"

Louis Buchalter Guarded By Man With Machine Gun
July 20, 1943-Albany, NY: The death sentence was
pronounced for the second time today upon Louis
(Center, foreground), once powerful garment racketeer, and two of
his gang,
Emmanuel ("Menoy")
Weiss and Louis Capone.
They were
condemned to die in the electric chair during the week of Sept. 15
Chief Judge Lehman
in the Court of Appeals in Albany. Here, Buchalter is shown arriving by car from the
NYC Federal
House of
Detention to hear his death sentence in Albany.

Police Escorting Louis Buchalter
January 21, 1944 - Lepke-Death House. Ossining, New York: Lepke
enters death house.
Sing sing's door swing
open to receive the
number one of Murder, Inc., short, stocky
Loui "Lepke" Buchalter,
center of those nearest
the doors.
Closely guarded and handcuffed,
he mounts the prison step after an armed car ride
from the
States detention house, Manhattan. At the curb is the limousine
which convoyed the car in which
Lepke took his last ride.