
High School shooting suspect Michael Carneal escorted out of
McCracken County
Courthouse after arraignment in Paducah, Ky., on
Jan. 15, 1998.

Michael Carneal

Michael Carneal

Michael Carneal

Michael Carneal kept his head
down for most of his sentencing,
raising it only to be escorted out
of the courtroom.

Michael Carneal

In this undated photo provided by the Kentucky Department of
Corrections, Michael Carneal is shown. Carneal, 25, a high school
shooter who killed three classmates and wounded five others is
asking Kentucky's Supreme Court for a second chance
at his case.
The victims

Missy Jenkins Smith, right, who was paralyzed in the 1997 Heath
High School shootings, and Kelly Hard Alsip, who was also shot, talk
to reporters in Louisville, Ky., Thursday, Sept. 11, 2008, after
lawyers argued in front of the Kentucky Supreme Court that Michael
Carneal was too mentally ill to plead guilty to the shootings in
(AP photo by Ed Reinke)
