John Martin Crawford

John Martin Crawford
(© Warren Goulding)

Victoria Crawford's car, used by his son in his murderous raids.
(© Warren Goulding).

Victoria Crawford, protective and devoted mother, always defended
his son.
She acussed Bill Corrigan to have influenced John Martin.
(© Warren Goulding).

Bill Corrigan: its exact role in the killings is not fully
(© Warren Goulding).
The victims

The three victims of John Martin Crawford raped and murdered in
Shelley Napope, Calinda Waterhen and Eva Taysup
(© Gendarmerie Royale du Canada).

Janet "Smiley" Sylvestre in the late 80s. Raped John Martin
Crawford in 1992,
the mystery of his murder in 1994 was never solved.
(© Gendarmerie Royale du Canada).