
Gregory led police to Reynolds' body just days after the murder.

Gregory was given the maximum sentence of 45 years in prison for
burning and dismembering 16-year-old Adrianne Reynolds.



Sarah Kolb: The Milan, Ill., teen was known by
friends and classmates at
Black Hawk Outreach Center in East Moline as fearless.

Police say Kolb is a killer who lured Reynolds into her car where
she strangled her to death.

On Jan. 21, 2005, Kolb, Reynolds and schoolmate Cory Gregory were
in Kolb’s car
at a fast-food restaurant when the fight began. Reynolds was killed
and her body
was burned, dismembered and hidden in two counties.

Sarah Kolb

Sarah Kolb

When Sarah Kolb was returned to the Rock Island County jail
after being found guilty of murder, she requested a haircut.

The victim

Adrianne Reynolds
The 16-year-old moved
to East Moline from Longview, Texas, in November 2004. Two months
later her adoptive father and stepmother, Tony and Joann Reynolds,
reported her missing. Five days after that police found her head and
arms in a manhole at a Rock Island park and her torso and legs at a
farm in Mercer County, Ill.

Adrianne Reynolds

Sarah Kolb's mother, Kathy Klauer, carries a photo of her