Ronnie Lee Gardner listens to proceedings during
his commutation hearing at the Utah
State Prison in Draper,
Utah, June 10, 2010. Next to him at the table are his
Andrew Parnes and Megan Moriarty.
(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune)

Ronnie Lee Gardner listens as arguments are
presented during his commutation hearing
at the Utah
State Prison in Draper, Utah, Thursday, June 10, 2010.
(Trent Nelson | The Salt Lake Tribune )

The chair to be used for Ronnie Lee Gardner's
(Courtesy the Utah State Department of Corrections.)

The execution chamber at the
Utah State Prison is seen after Ronnie Lee Gardner
was executed
by firing squad.

The execution chamber at the
Utah State Prison is seen after Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed
by firing squad Friday, June 18. Four bullet holes are visible in
the wood panel behind the chair.
Gardner was convicted of capital murder in 1985.
(Trent Nelson)

Four bullet holes are visible
in the wood panel behind the chair where
Ronnie Lee Gardner was
(Trent Nelson)

On October 9, 1984, Melvyn John Otterstrom was
shot and killed by Gardner
as he tended bar at the Cheers Tavern in Salt Lake City.

A snapshot of Melvyn John Otterstrom and Kathy
Otterstrom Potter
shown near the time they first met.

Michael Burdell, victim of Ronnie Lee Gardner.
(The Salt Lake Tribune file photo)

Bailiff Nicolas G. Kirk, shot by Ronnie Lee
Gardner in an escape attempt in 1985.
(Photo courtesy Kirk family.)