General area map.

Aerial school map.

School parking lot map.

One of the diagrams made by FBI's Investigative and Prosecutive
Graphic Unit after the
Columbine High School
Massacre. Harris (red dot) and Klebold (blue dot) are shown
the school's library, green dots indicate
witnesses of the event.

Students can be seen running from the school at approximately
11:35 a.m.

Between 11:30 am to 11:40 am deputies provide safety for injured
and escaping students.

11:35 am to 11:44 additional deputies arrive and start to
evacuate students to safety.

12:34 pm to 12:39 p.m. SWAT members attempt rescue at west doors.

Between 12:02 pm and 12:05 p.m. the powder smoke can be seen as
Klebold and Harris shoot
from the library
windows at deputies and
paramedics rescuing the wounded below.
Photos courtesy of Brian Pain taken from his residence on the south
side of the school
during the shootings at Columbine High School.
(Jefferson County Sheriff's Office)