Pedro Alonso

Pedro Alonso Lopez, the 'Monster of Andes', who raped and
strangled at least 350 young girls in Ecuador, Peru and Columbia, is
shown in this world exclusive photograph, in the prison in Ambato,
Ecuador, during the twenty years he stayed in solitary confinement.
He was secretly to Columbia and released because there is no death
penalty in Ecuador. Now Police are using these only pictures ever
taken of him, to track him down again.
(Photo by Ron Laytner, Edit International).

Pedro Alonso Lopez

Pedro Alonso Lopez, the 'Monster of Andes'.

Heroine Maria Poveda, chosen by the Monster to die because she
had a woman's face, has a look of absolute dread and fear on it
after she and her mother, behind, helped by a mob of angry indians,
captured the Monster of the Andes in Ecuador.
They were photographed at a bonfire celebrating the killer's
(Photo by Ron Laytner, Edit International).

For 20 years three-man shifts of guards nervously watched the
women's section of Ambato prison, empty except fot one prisoner,
Pedro Alonzo Lopez, the worst serial killer in modern history. (Photo
by Ron Laytner, Edit International).

Pedro Alonzo Lopez murdered at least 350 young girls. His mighty
hands with their long fingers shown in this portrait, squeezed the
necks of the girls with such force that about half the fresh bodies
recovered had their eyes forced out of their sockets by the pressure.
(Photo World Copyright by Ron Laytner, Edit International.)

Detective Pastor Gonzales stayed in a cell with the serial killer,
posing as a prisoner. He told me : “For 27 days I hardly slept,
afraid I'd be strangled in my sleep. But I tricked Lopez into
confessing by pretending I was a rapist too. He boasted to me of
murder after murder in Ecuador, Columbia and Peru. It was beyond my
wildest nightmares. He told me everything.” (Photo World Copyright by
Ron Laytner, Edit International.)

Pedro Alonzo Lopez during only interview he ever gave, tries to
charm me into coming into his cell.
(World Copyright by Ron Laytner,
Edit International.)

Dead Cristina was one of 350 young girls murdered by The Monster
of Andes. An ecuadorian policeman points to where she was found.
(Photo Edit International).

Dozens of young women were reported missing. Shown here are two
of the Monster's 350 victims. Lopez may have killed many more. A
number of grave sites where he dumped bodies were paved over or
emptied by animals.
(Photo by Ron Laytner, Edit International).

Major of Police (now retired) Victor Hugol Lascano, Director of
the prison which held Lopez for nearly 20 years, said on his release,
"God help young women - Lopez is being freed unrepentent and may
soon start killing again."
(Photo by Ron Laytner, Edit International).

Lopez would allow my interview on one condition. He wanted the
Director's pretty young daughter to come into his cell because he 'hadn't
touched a woman in years'. While nervous guards aimed their cocked
pistols, the mass serial killer carefully and gently put his
powerful hands around the brave girl's wrists.
(Photo by Ron Laytner, Edit International).

Pedro Alonso Lopez

Pedro Alonso Lopez
