Schlotzsky's Deli, owned by Schiller, wasn't doing such hot

Remains of Schiller's vehicle: A drunken driver, an immobile
object, a splash of gasoline.

Frank Griga's Intracoastal mansion.

Griga's car attracted attention -- too much attention.

The irrigation ditch in South Dade were police investigators
found three 55-gallon drums.
The investigators suspects the drums
contain the dismembered parts of Hungarian
businessman Frank Griga
and his girlfriend Krisztina Furton.
(Winston Townsend/Miami Herald)

Three 55-gallon drums sit on the back of a truck after being
from an irrigation ditch by police investigators.
Townsend/Miami Herald)

Frank Griga and Krisztina Furton's body parts are dumped from
steel drum that the gang buried in the Everglades.

Frank Griga body.

The victims

Marc Schiller

Following his miraculous survival, Marc Schiller had just enough
strength remaining to call for help.

Frank Griga and Krisztina Furton were on top of the world: Young,
good-looking, wealthy, and whole.

Frank Griga and Krisztina Furton were murdered and dismembered by
the Sun Gym Gang.