Charles Manson, hippie cult leader and accused mastermind in the
killing of Sharon Tate and several other
persons last year, arrives
in court to enter a plea to seven counts of murder and one count of
Manson, who previously had a heavy beard, was clean
shaven for his appearance in which he intends
to act as his own
attorney. (January 28, 1970)

Charles Manson, hippie cult leader and accused mastermind in the
killing of Sharon Tate and several other
persons last year, arrives
in court to enter a plea to seven counts of murder and one count of
Manson, who previously had a heavy beard, was clean
shaven for his appearance in which he intends
to act as his own
attorney. (January 28, 1970)

Charles Manson, leader of a hippie cult whose members are accused
of the murder of actress Sharon Tate
and several other persons last
year, wears a purple velvet embroidered shirt as he appeared in
to enter pleas in the July 27th, 1969, murder of Gary Hinman. (April 29, 1970)

Hippie chieftain Charles Manson speaks with reporters as he is
escorted by a deputy sheriff and his lawyer,
Irving Kanarek, from a
Santa Monica courthouse following a hearing in the Gary Hinman
murder case.
(June 19, 1970)

"I Don't Have Any Guilt" said long-haired hippie chieftain
Charles Manson, 35, in brief press conference in
courtroom here,
June 18, where a hearing to continue proceedings in the murder case
of musician Dary
Hinman was held. Manson's trial for the slaying of
actress Sharon Tate and four others last August 9th,
and the killing
of a wealthy supermarket chain owner and his wife the day after the
Tate murder, began
this week and forced postponement of the Hinman
case. (June 19, 1970)

Charles Manson in manacles and escorted by a sheriff's deputy,
heads for the courtroom as his trial
continues for the Tate-LaBianca
murders. In court August 10th Manson objected to the tactics of his
lawyer, Irving Kanarek, over his cross-examination of star witness
Linda Kasabian, but was cut off
by the judge. (August 11, 1970)

Charles Manson heads for court where he took the witness stand at
the Tate-LaBianca murder trial to
complain about the "humiliation"
to which he says he is being subjected to in the county jail.
in prison denims, his hair stringy and uncombed, the
35-yr-old ex-convict testified outside the
presence of the jury on
the motion to force the sheriff to end the "harassment" of the
daily "shakedowns" and to be able to meet privately with
his attorney and not in the presence
of a deputy. (August 20, 1970)

Charles Manson, on trial in connection with the Tate-LaBianca
murders here, appears in court November
10th clean-shaven and with a
haircut. Prior to this he had shown up bearded and long-haired.
(November 10, 1970)

Charles Manson who led a cult that committed murders in Los
Angeles in the sixties is clean shaven
in closeup photo. (November 10, 1970)