An aerial view of the destruction.

The bombed remains of automobiles
with the bombed Federal Building in the background.
The military is providing around the clock support
since a car bomb exploded inside the
building on
Wednesday, April 19, 1995.

U.S. Air Force personnel from
Tinker Air Force Base work alongside civilian
firefighters to remove rubble
from the explosion
site of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The
U.S. Air Force is providing
around-the-clock support
of personnel, equipment, and supplies during rescue
and relief efforts.

Oklahoma City, OK, April 26, 1995
-- Search and Rescue crews work to save those
trapped beneath the debris,
following the Oklahoma
City bombing. FEMA News Photo.

Alfred P. Murrah Building four
days before its demolition.

The Field of Empty Chairs,
east Gate of Time, and Reflecting Pool
at the Oklahoma City National Memorial.