Destroyed: The children perished when the fire tore through their
home (above) in Derby, on May 11, 2012.

Plot: A Crown Prosecution Service photo showing the ladder (left)
which Philpott placed at the back of the
house as part of his plan to rescue his children after starting the

Sordid: The caravan where Mick Philpott used to sleep with his wife
and mistress on alternate nights.

Scorched: The charred landing reveals just how fierce the fire was
when it ripped through the house.

Ravaged: The petrol-fuelled blaze broke out in the hallway of the
home where Philpott lived with wife
Mairead, 31, and their own six children - all of whom perished as they

Doomed: Firefighters said the children would not have been able to
survive the intense heat and thick smoke.

Spread rapidly: From the moment the fire was set in
the hallway, the flames would have surged up the uPVC
front door, melting the plastic, and quickly progressed up the
staircase, firefighters said.

Ignited: The door to the hallway where the fire was started with

Evidence: Crown Prosecution Service photo of a glove and Dr Pepper
bottle found near the scene of the fire.

Fire-starter: A petrol can that was found near the property in
Victory Road after the blaze.

Accomplice Paul Mosley, 45, sentenced to 17 years (of which they
will serve
at least half before any release on licence).
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