Investigation Photos
Green River Task Force Detectives took Gary Leon Ridgway on 24
separate trips throughout King County so Ridgway could point out
locations where he may have placed his victims.

Sheriff Dave Reichert
accompanies Green River Task Force Detectives and Gary Leon Ridgway
as Ridgway directs them to potential sites where he remembers
possibly placing a victim.

Detectives process the
Pammy Avent crime scene. Pammy Avent was the first victim found as a
result of information provided by Ridgway. Her remains were
recovered on August 16, 2003 in a wooded area just
off Highway 410
at Milepost 26.

Green River Task Force
Detectives process the site off the Kent Des Moines Road where they
recovered skeletal remains on August 21, 2003. This area encompassed
approximately two acres and was heavily wooded. Over a period of
several days, Detectives cleared the ravine, which was densely
covered in blackberry bushes and vegetation.

Detectives and Search
and Rescue volunteers at the search site near South 296th Street and
65th Avenue South rappelled down a 60 degree incline to the floor of
the ravine. After clearing the vegetation, they carefully worked
their way up the hillside. During this process, GRTF Detectives
recovered the remains of Marie Malvar on September 27, 2003.

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