1/20/04 Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Thomas Sachy of Georgia
Pain and Behavorial Medicine gives his testimony.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/20/04 Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Thomas Sachy of Georgia
Pain and Behavorial Medicine points
out the brain atrophy of
Reinaldo Rivera as shown on his MRI.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
A three dimensional model of the brain activity of
Reinaldo Rivera as taken from the information
made from his PET scan
as neuropsychiatrist Dr. Thomas Sachy of Georgia Pain and Behavorial
Medicine gives his testimony during the death penalty case. Brain activity is measured by glucose
consumption and the area of the frontal lobe in Rivera's brain shows
a lack of that consumption.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/20/04 Forensic psychologist Marc Einhorn gives his
testimony for the defense.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/21/04 Defendant Reinaldo Rivera wipes his eye
during testimony from the witness stand
in his death penalty case on
Wednesday, January 21, 2004.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/21/04 District Attorney Danny Craig (left) talks with
District Attorney Investigator Alfonzo Williams
after a short recess
during the testimony of defendant Reinaldo Rivera.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/21/04 Defendant Reinaldo Rivera gives his testimony
from the witness stand.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/22/04 Defendant Reinaldo Rivera listens to
witnesses speak.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/22/04 Dr. Hadyn Williams, Chief of Nuclear Medicine
at MCG, answers questions from the defense.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/22/04 Dr. David Hess, Chairman of the Department of
Neurology at MCG, talks about Reinaldo Rivera's
brain activity while
answering questions from the defense as Judge Albert Pickett listens.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/22/04 Peter Johnson, who represents Reinaldo
Rivera, speaks to the jury Thursday during his closing argument.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/22/04 District Attorney Danny Craig speaks to the
jury Thursday during his closing argument.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/22/04 Reinaldo Rivera listens to District Attorney
Danny Craig's closing argument.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/22/04 Reinaldo Rivera is ordered to sit down by
baillifs Thursday after he blew up in response
to District Attorney
Danny Craig's closing argument.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/24/04 Gloria Perius, the mother of Sgt. Marni
Glista, who was one of Reinaldo Rivera's victims,
begins to cry
Saturday in Richmond County Superior Court as she talks about the
of her daughter and the impact it has had on her family.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/24/04 Gloria Rivera, the sister of Reinaldo Rivera
talks about her brother's childhood Saturday
during the sentencing
phase of his death penalty trial in Richmond County Superior Court.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/24/04 Reinaldo Rivera speaks in Richmond County
Superior Court Saturday during the sentencing
phase in his death
penalty trial. While on the stand Mr. Rivera accused the prosecution
lying during the trial and also asked the jury to give him the
death penalty.
(Chris Thelen/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
01/26/04 Reninaldo Rivera's defense attorney Jacque
Hawk gives his closing arguements to the jury Monday.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
01/26/04 Judge Albert Pickett rules on an objection by
District Attroney Danny Craig
during the death penalty trial against
Reinaldo Rivera, Monday.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
1/26/04 Defendant Reinaldo Rivera reacts to receiving
the death penalty
from the jury for the murder of Marni Glista.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
01/26/04 Defendant Reinaldo Rivera blows a kiss back
to his mother after the jury gave him the death penalty.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
01/26/04 Wendy Knopp (from left) hugs her father Art
Perius and mother Gloria Perius, the sister
and parents of murder
victim Marni Glista, after the jury rendered a death penalty verdict.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
01/26/04 Wendy Knopp (right), the sister of murder
victim Marni Glista, hugs Jason Glista,
the widowed husband of Marni
Glista, after the jury rendered a death penalty verdict.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
01/26/04 Sharon Courtney, the aunt of victim Chrisilee
Barton, reacts after
the jury rendered a death penalty verdict.
(Andrew Davis Tucker/Augusta Chronicle Staff)
Reinaldo J. Rivera
Reinaldo Rivera on Georgia death row.