Chair where Byron Smith sat in his basement.
Evidence photo

Broken bedroom window in Byron Smoth's house. This is the glass
heard shattering on the surveillance audio.
Evidence photo.

The chair, on the left between the bookcases, is where Byron
Smith sat reading a paperback on the day
of the shootings. Photo:
Evidence photo

The basement stairs and wing-back chair, in the far right corner
of the photo, where Byron Smith sat.
Photo: Evidence photo.

Byron Smith's basement stairs. Smith sat in chair behind the book
shelf on the right.
Photo: Evidence photo

The bedroom window where the teens broke into Byron Smith's home.
Photo: Evidence photo

The gun that was used to kill Haile Kifer.
Photo: Evidence photo

A door panel had
been kicked in during a previous burglary at Byron Smith's house.
Photo: Evidence photo

Haile Kifer's purse found at the scene
of Byron Smith's house.
Evidence photo.

Drawing of Byron Smith's basement.
Smith's reading chair is marked as number 8, in the lower right.
Photo: Evidence exhibit.

Drawing of basement stairs, roughly
from perspective of Smith's chair. He saw feet, legs,
then hips of
teens come down the stairs. Evidence photo.