Peter Sutcliffe

A: Melbourne Aveneu -
Sutcliffe arrested
B: Weapons hidden behind oil storage tank

Police leading murderer Peter Sutcliffe, known as the Yorkshire
Ripper, into Dewsbury
Court under a blanket. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)

The Ripper arrives at the Newport Crown court.

British serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, a.k.a. 'The Yorkshire
Ripper,' in police custody, 1983.
(Photo by Express Newspapers/Getty Images)

Peter Sutcliffe

1st June 1981: Sonia Sutcliffe leaving the Old Bailey in London
during the trial of her
husband Peter Sutcliffe. He received a life sentence for the murder
of 13 women and
the attempted murder of seven. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)

Peter Sutcliffe

Peter Sutcliffe

Peter Sutcliffe

January 10 1983:
Sutcliffe was attackt by James Costello in the Parkhurst
Sutcliffe was smashed twice on the left side of face
with a broken coffee jar.
He had four wounds requiring 30

Prison mugshot 18 april 1990.

Prison mugshot 4 march 1993.

Prison mugshot 11 september 1995.
Peter Sutcliffe biography