Sutcliffe was convicted of murdering the following 13 victims:
1. Wilma McCann ( Age 28 ) : Killed on 30 October 1975. Body found
at Prince
Phillip Playing Fields, Leeds
2. Emily Jackson ( Age : 42 ) : Killed On 20 January 1976. Body
found at Manor
Street, Leeds
3. Irene Richardson ( Age : 28 ) : Killed On 5 February 1977.
Body found at
Roundhay Park, Leeds.
4. Patricia Atkinson ( Age : 32 ) : Killed On 23 April 1977. Body
found at Flat
3, 9 Oak Avenue, Bradford.
5. Jayne MacDonald ( Age : 16 ) : Killed On 26 June 1977. Body
found at
Adventure playground, Reginald Street, Leeds.
6. Jean Jordan ( Age : 20 ) : Killed on 1 October 1977. Body
found at Allotments
next to Southern Cemetery, Manchester.
7. Yvonne Pearson ( Age : 21 ) : Killed On 21 January 1978. Body
found at Under
a disused sofa on waste ground off Arthington Street, Bradford.
8. Helen Rytka ( Age : 18 ) : Killed On 18 January 1978. Body
found at Timber
yard in Great Northern Street, Huddersfield.
9. Vera Millward ( Age : 40 ) : Killed on 16 May 1978. Body found
at Grounds of
Manchester Royal Infirmary.
10. Josephine Whitaker ( Age : 19 ) : killed on 4 April 1979.
Body found at
Savile Park, Halifax.
11. Barbara Leach ( Age : 20 ) : Killed on 20 September 1979.
Body found at Back
of 13 Ashgrove, Bradford.
12. Marguerite Walls ( Age : 47 ) : Killed on 20 August 1980.
Body found at
Garden of a house called "Claremont", New Street, Farsley, Leeds.
13. Jacqueline Hill ( Age : 20 ) : Killed On 17 November 1980.
Body found at
Waste ground off Alma Road, Headingley, Leeds.