Oscar Collazo shot in the chest at the stairs to
Blair House.

Griselio Torresola killed by a bullet to the head.

11/1/50-Washington, D.C.- The body of Griselio Torresola is wheeled
from Blair House after
he was shot by police during his
assassination attempt on President Truman.

Griselio Torresola, the would-be assassin of President Truman, lies
dead on a slab in a local
police morgue, shot to death by White
House Guards.

Copies of the Spanish language letters found in the wallet of
Griselio Torresola after the Puerto Rican
gunman was killed during
yesterday's abortive attempt to assassinate President Truman at the
House. The letters are signed by Pedro Albizu Campoos, Harvard
educated leader of the Puerto Rican
Nationalists movement, and
expressed the hope that "your mession will be a triumph."

Widow Questioned. New York: Albert Whitaker, Supervising Director of
Secret Service, New York Area,
escorts Mrs. Grisellio Torresola, 22-year-old
widow of the slain gunman who attempted to assassinate
Truman, into Federal Building. She was taken into the offices of U.S.
Irving Saypol for questioning.

Oscar Collazo
The victim

White House Policeman Private Leslie