Russell Williams

The future colonel in 1982, Russell Williams's final year at
Upper Canada College.

Russell Williams

Col. Russell Williams

Col. Russell Williams

Col. Russell Williams, centre, commander of CFB Trenton, with
Defence Minister Peter MacKay, right,
and Gen. Walter Natynczyk,
chief of the defence staff, in Trenton on Jan. 17, 2010.

Col. Russell Williams

Col. Russell Williams

Col. Russell Williams

Col. Russell Williams

Crime scene tape, since removed, surrounds 62 Cosy Cove Lane, the
house owned by CFB Trenton
commander Col. Russell Williams and his
(Jin Rankin/Toronto Star)

Williams is shown in this image from video provided by Ontario
Provincial Court, from his interrogation
by police shown Oct. 20,
2010 in a Belleville, Ont. courtroom. Williams told police that
while he did ask
himself why he raped and killed women, he could
never come up with an answer and he was "pretty
sure the answers
don't matter."

Russell Williams is escorted from the Belleville Superior Court
under heavy armed guard
and in handcuffs after pleading guilty to murder.
(Photo Julie Oliver/Ottawa Citizen)

The victims

Corporal Marie-France Comeau, 37.

Jessica Lloyd, 27.