Police photo of interior at 104 Brentwood Drive, residence of
Betty Willis.

Photo of part of the confiscated evidence police found inside the
Willis residence in Johnson City.
It is believed that this is where the Chrismers’ were murdered.

“Elbow counsel” Jim Bowman and the accused Howard Hawk Willis
listen to testimony.
According to Tennessee law a defendant representing themselves in a
capital case
must have an attorney appointed to advise them. Ironically, Mr.
Bowman was
the first attorney the accused fired as his counsel.

Assistant District Attorney Dennis Brooks.

First Judicial Circuit District Attorney Tony Clark (on left)
with Assistant DA Dennis Brooks.

Dr. Mona
Stephens, the forensic pathologist in the case.

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent James Davis, a forensics
who specializes in the analysis of glass, fibers and ignitable liquids.

Bradley County Sergeant Bill Coultrey is shown with the chainsaw
believed to be the one Howard
Hawk Willis allegedly used to remove the head and hands from Adam
Chrismer’s body.

Dr. Erin Watson used fly larvae and pupae to determine the time
of death
on both Adam and Samantha Chrismer.

Photo evidence showing fly larvae and pupae found in Samantha
Chrismer’s storage bin.

Chart showing data Dr. Erin Watson used to establish her time of
death ranges.
More photos