Gertrude Nadine BANISZEWSKI |

John Baniszewski Jr. 13 talks with his attorney Forrest Bowman
Jr. during the trial
for the torture slaying of Sylvia Likens. April
28, 1966.
(William Oates/The Star)

Gertrude Baniszewski hears the guilty verdict with her attorney,
William Erbecker
in connection with the torture slaying of Sylvia
Likens. May 20, 1966.
(Randy Singer/The News)

John Baniszewski Jr. during trial for his part in the torture
slaying of Sylvia Likens, May 2, 1966.

Paula Baniszewski during the trial for the torture death of
Sylvia Likens. May 20, 1966.

Shirley Baniszewski, 10, testified in the 1966 murder trial of
her mother, Gertrude
who went to jail for the 1965
torture-slaying of Sylvia Likens.

Shirley Baniszewski, 10, with foster mother. Shirley was a
witness to the murder of Sylvia Likens.
(William Oates/The Star - May 6, 1966)

John Baniszewski Sr. center, cuddles daugher Paula, 18 and son
John Jr. following her
sentence of life
in prison in connection with
the death of Sylvia Likens. May 24, 1966.
(William Oates/The News)

Gertrude Baniszewski confers with her attorney William Erbecker
during her trial
for the torture slaying of Sylvia Likens. May 11,
(Randy Singer/The News)

Richard Hobbs and Paula Baniszewski, two of the defendants in the
Sylvia LIkens
murder trial,
shun photographers during the recess in
their trial. April 27, 1966
(William Oates/Indianapolis Star)

Bystanders crowd around two of Sylvia Likens' sisters in the
hallway outside the courtroom as they
discuss Sylvia's torture
slaying with newsmen. Jennie Likens (left), 15, lived with Sylvia in
home of Gertrude Baniszewski where the tortures occured. Her
older sister, Diana Shoemaker,
18 said she tried to see Sylvia but
Mrs. Baniszewski threatened to have her arrested.
(Joe Young/The News)

Gertrude Baniszewski, accused along with five juveniles in the
torture-death of Sylvia Likens,
is seated before
the microphones in
the closing hours of the trial. Attorneys James Nedeff
and William
Erbecker are seated
at extreme left. Other principals in the trial
are Judge
Saul Raband the jurors, seated at right.

Baniszewski murder house-torture and death of Sylvia Marie Likens
by neighborhood children.
Jurors leave Baniszewski home, viewed slaying scene. Indianapolis
Star May 5th 1966.
(Star photo by James C. Ramsey)