Roxalana Druse

Roxalana Druse



Artist's depiction of Roxalana Druse being cross-examination.

Roxalana Druse in her cell at the Herkimer County Jail.

When Druse was sentenced to death, Herkimer
County, New York state used suspension hanging
for executions. The process jerked the prisoner upwards by a
weighted rope instead of the body
dropping downwards through a
trap door. But as Druce was a small woman, the force failed to
break her neck leaving her to die agonizingly by strangulation.
The scene was so upsetting, officials decided
to switch the primary method of execution
in the state to the
electric chair.


A book entitled An Innocent Woman Hanged was published
some time after the hanging—author
and publication date uncertain—which quotes Mary as blaming the
entire murder on her uncle
Charles Gates. Roxalana Druse had gone to the gallows innocent, to
protect her brother.