Grace Hubbard FORTESCUE |

Grace Fortescue

Grace Fortescue

Grace Fortescue

Grace Fortescue

Grace Fortescue

Grace Fortescue arrest report.

Grace Fortescue with her daughter and husband.

Thalia Massie (Wide World Photos)

Thalia Massie

The suspects in the murder of Joseph Kahahwai Jr., aboard the U.S.S.
Alton where they
were confined
during their murder trial: L to R,
Edward Lord, Albert "Deacon" Jones,
Grace Fortescue (Thalia Massie's
mother), Thalia Massie and her husband,
Lt. Tommie Massie. /

From left to right: Edward S. Jones, Grace Fortescue, O.A. Lord,
and Thomas Massie. They are
accused of
killing Joe Kahahawai. In
September 1931, naval officer wife Thalia Massie, accused
five men
of gang
rape. After the first trial without a verdict, Massie's
husband, mother, and
two US sailors killed one
suspect, Joseph
Kahahawai. Later investigations exonerated
the accused rapists.

The defendants in prominent Joseph Kahahawai murder trial in
Hawaii receive commuted
From left to right: Edward S.
Jones, O.A. Lord, Lieutenant Thomas H. Massie,
and Mrs. Granville
Fortescue. May 10, 1932.

The four defendants and their supporters were at 'Iolani Palace
shortly after being found guilty of
manslaughter and sentenced to
serve a one-hour "prison term" in 1932. From left: Clarence Darrow,
chief defense counsel; defendants E.J. Lord and A.O. Jones; Maj.
Gordon Ross, high sheriff; Grace
Fortescue, mother of Thalia Massie
and niece of inventor Alexander Graham Bell; Thalia and Lt.
Massie; and George Leisure, defense counsel.
(Advertiser library photo - May 4, 1932)

Attorney Clarence Darrow and the defendants involved in the
Massie case.
From left to right: Clarence
Darrow, O.A. Lord, Edward S. Jones, Major
Gordon C. Ross, Grace Fortescue, and Lieutenant Thomas Massie.

The Massies read their mail in their quarters on the USS Alton.
From left to right: Robert Bell,
Mrs. Granville
Fortescue, Thalia
Massie, and Lieutenant Thomas H. Massie. March 26, 1932.

Thalia Massie (left), the Massies' lawyer Clarence Darrow, and
Lieutenant Tommie Massie
on the Matson
Liner Malolo in San
Francisco. With them is their dog Kriss. They're
returning to the
mainland after the
trial of the four defendants accused of raping
Thalia Massie. May 13, 1932.