Sheila Garvie

Sheila Garvie

Sheila Garvie and her lover Brian Tevendale.

Sheila Garvie and her
husband Maxwell.

Brian Tevendale

Alan Peters

Trudy Birse

Aerial view of farm dubbed 'Kinky Cottage' where Max and Sheila
Garvie lived.

Sheila Garvie and her lover Brian Tevendale were found Guilty at
the High Court in Aberdeen
of the murder
of Maxwell Garvie. A
verdict of not proven was returned against the third
accused, Alan
Peters. Mother of
three, Mrs Garvie, aged 34, and Tevendale, 23,
sentenced to life imprisonment. 2nd December 1968.
A section of
the large crowd which
gathered outside the court just before the
verdict was announced.
(Credit: UPPA/Photoshop)
The victim