Delphine Lalaurie

Delphine Lalaurie

Delphine Lalaurie

Delphine Lalaurie

Delphine Lalaurie and Slaves (Wax Museum)

Doorway to the notorius Lalaurie house in New Orleans.

The LaLaurie Mansion, from a 1906 postcard.

The LaLaurie residence in
1140 Royal Street, New Orleans, photographed in September 2009.

Black and white photograph of copper plate found in
St. Louis Cemetery #1 by Eugene
Backes in the late
1930s. Text reads:
"Madame Lalaurie, nee Marie Delphine Maccarthy,
decedee a Paris, le' 7
1842, a l'age de 6 --." Dated: January 28, 1941 (first
publication). Image may have been
created as much as four or five
earlier. Appears to be Eugene Backes.
First publisher is the