Bud Gollum, seated right, and Beulah Louise Overell, left, confer
with their attorneys
after Beulah's Uncle leaves the witness stand.

Beulah Louise Overell, right, turns her head slightly to smile at
her sweetheart, George
"Bud" Gollum,
as they walk out of the courtroom with Deputy Sheriff Reba Crank
a recess
at their murder trial in Santa Ana.

Death attended the Overell murder trial and claimed the life of
Captain Tom Murphine, right,
Bud Gollum's guard. Murphine died from a heart attack suffered
during the excitement of
the trial. He is seen on his last trip to the courtroom (right). He
died four hours after this
photo was taken. Others in the picture are: Beulah Louise Overell,
center; Deputy
Sheriff Reba Crank, and Bud Gollum, in rear.

Back to fashionable Newport Beach where their romance blossomed and
where they allegedly
killed her parents aboard the yacht Mary E, went Beulah Louise
Overell and her sweetheart,
Bud Gollum. They are shown in an auto as they were taken to view the
wreckage of the
little boat. At right are Gollum and Attorney William Beirne. At
left, Beulah rides with
Attorney Z. B. West and Deputy Sheriff Reba Crank.

Bud Gollum and Beulah Louise Overell look tense in the courtroom as
for the prosecution simulates an "explosion."

Beulah Louise Overell and George Gollum are shown in a huddle with
their attorneys
as they discussed strategy at their trial.

Photo of Beulah Louise Overell wearing a new dress to court. Deputy
Reba Crank
accompanies the heiress to the courtroom.

George "Bud" Gollum (left), and his sweetheart, Beulah Louise
Overell (next to him), are
shown in the Orange County Courthouse where their trial for the
yacht blast murder of
her parents was resumed today. Matron Reba Crank sit by the accused
and an unidentified deputy sheriff is on the right.

At the dramatic moment this photo was taken, Beulah Louise Overell
had just finished her own
testimony in which she denied killing her parents. The icy calm she
has maintained throughout
the murder trial, and during her own testimony, then melted into