The many faces of Carole Tregoff.
Carole Tregoff
Carole Tregoff
Carole Tregoff arrested.
Carole Tregoff enters the police station for questioning.
Carole Tregoff puts her head on her manacled wrist and breaks
into tears after her arraingment.
Carole Tregoff and her mother, talking to Robert Neeb, a partner
of famed criminal lawyer
Jerry Giesler,
whose office decided to represent Finch's mistress.
Carole Tregoff waits to be questioned.
Carole Tregoff is questioned by Dept. Dist. Atty. Fred Whichello
at the preliminary hearing.
Carole Tregoff
Carole Tregoff has a slight smile on her face as she confers with
her attorney, Don Bringgold,
before the start of the Finch murder trial.
Carole Tregoff appears in court as her attorneys asked a
postponement of the second
murder-conspiracy trial she faces with Dr. R. Bernard Finch.
Marie Ann Lidholm, 19-year-old maid at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Bernard Finch, holds a picture
of the
Finch's garage as she was questioned. The maid was present at the
house at the time.