
Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Abraham, seen here at age 13, is the youngest
person in Michigan to be tried
as an adult for first-degree murder.
A jury convicted him of second-degree
murder and he was sentenced to
juvenile detention.
(Charles V. Tines / The Detroit News)

Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Abraham and his attorney Daniel Bagdade stand before Judge Moore.

Abraham listens to proceedings before Oakland County Probate
Judge Eugene Moore.

Nathaniel Abraham

Elaine Rosati, Abraham's guardian attorney, hugs him after he was
released from state supervision.

Left to right, attorney Bagdade, Abraham and LaNita Haith, one of
Abraham's attorneys.

Nathaniel Abraham walks through the Oakland Circuit Court
building in Pontiac
to his final status
hearing on Jan. 18, 2007.

Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Nathaniel Abraham

Abraham leaves the Oakland County Court.