David had built up an
anger and frustration for women -the only sexual experiance
he had was with a prostitute in Korea who "gave" him a
venereal disease, and had a strange fantasy life which took
him to violence when he finally quit the Army in '74. Before
commiting murders David was spending his time with setting
fires (a total of approximately 1.488 in NY) and keeping
each arson in his diary.

An arson log kept by David Berkowitz, showing dates and locations.

David Berkowitz's father

The demonic dog, a black Labrador retriever
named Harvey, ordered David to kill.

Michael Carr

Michael Carr's accident.

Traffic ticket that led to the arrest of David Berkowitz.

David Berkowitz's car.

New York -- Aug. 11, 1977 -- On the seat of David Berkowitz's car
are maps, a bottle, an automobile distributor cap and a coy
of the
parking ticket that led to his arrest. Thirty years ago David
Berkowitz the man known as the Son of Sam, whose murder spree
terrorized New York City during the long hot summer of 1977, was
(Paul Hosefros/The New York Times)

A 8 x 10-and-a-half
original AP Laserphoto from 1977 featuring
David Berkowitz, sleeping in his cell at Kings County
Hospital prison ward. The New York Post reported that
Berkowitz who has spent the past four months in an isolation
cell at the hospital has totally withdrawn from reality. It
says all that on the bottom of the photo released by
Associated Press.