Rocio Sperry, 15, was reported missing
on Nov. 15, 1987, in El Paso County.
Browne, who pleaded guilty
and was sentenced to life in prison in this case,
an investigator that he dumped Sperry's body
in a trash bin
strangling her in his apartment. Sperry has never been

Wanda Faye Hudson, 21, was found dead
on May 28, 1983, in her Coushatta, La., apartment.
She had been
stabbed multiple times. Coushatta is Browne's hometown. Browne
had done
maintenance work on Hudson's apartment, including
changing the lock on her door.

Katherine Hayes, 15, was reported
missing July 4, 1980, in Louisiana. Hayes' body was
found Oct.
16, 1980, in Nantachie Creek. She had been strangled.

Nidia Mendoza, 17, was reported
missing on Feb. 2, 1984, in Texas.
Her body was found on Feb. 6,
1984, in a ditch.

Faye Aline Self, 26, was reported missing
March 30, 1983, in Louisiana. Browne told
that her
body was dumped in the Red River. She has never been found.

Lisa Lowe, 21, was reported missing on
Nov. 3, 1991, in Arkansas. Lowe's body
was found on Nov. 26,
1991, in the St. Francis River.

Melody Bush, 22, was found dead on
March 30, 1984, in Fayette County, Texas. Her body was
found in
a drainage ditch and the coroner ruled Bush died of acute
acetone poisoning.