On October 2nd, 1975,
Carol DaRonch along with Jean Graham and a friend of Debby
Kent's were asked to view a line-up of seven men, one of
whom was Bundy, at a Utah police station.
Investigators were
not surprised when Carol DaRonch picked Ted from the line-up
as the man who had attacked her. Jean Graham and a friend of
Debby Kent's had also picked Ted from the line-up as the man
they had seen wandering around the auditorium the night
Debby Kent had disappeared.
Although Ted repeatedly
professed his innocence, police were almost positive they
had their man. Soon after he was picked out of the line-up,
investigators launched a full-blown investigation into the
man they knew as Theodore Robert Bundy.

Carol DaRonch

Ted Bundy, a former law student, conducted his own defence at his

Theodore Robert Bundy
faced three trials, all spaced within three years. His first
trial date for the Chi Omega murders was set for February
22, 1978, in Miami, Florida. Three months later, he would go
on trial for the attacks on the Chi Omega sorority sisters.
It would be more than a year later on January 7, 1980, that
Bundy would face his final trial for the murder of Kimberly
Leach. However, it would be the trial for the Chi Omega
murders that would seal his fate forever.

Bundy in his first Florida trial.
He was sentenced to death for the Chi Omega murders.
Ted Bundy

A forensic pathologist holds a plaster cast of Ted Bundy's teeth.
While on the stand, Dr.
Souviron described the bite mark injuries found on Lisa
Levy's body. As he spoke, the jury was shown full-scale
photographs of the bite marks that had been taken the night
of the murder. The doctor pointed out the uniqueness of the
indentations left behind on the victim and compared them
with full-scale pictures of Bundy's teeth. They matched
There was no question that Bundy had made the
bite marks on Lisa Levy's body. The photos would be the
biggest piece of evidence the prosecution had linking Bundy
to the crime.

Ted Bundy

Bundy meeting in court with lawyers.

Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy when he was found guilty ...

Theodore Bundy pleading his case for life imprisonment
before the jury Feb. 9, 1980, in the trial
for the slaying of
Kimberly Leach. But the jury recommended he death penalty a
short time later.