Age: 19 year-old
Disappeard: July 18, 1967
Found: August 7, 1967
Location: Near an old farmhouse in a field in Superior
two miles north of Ypsilanti.
Found as a mass of rotting flesh.
Clothing found near the body was identified as belonging to Mary by her
parents. The post mortem on her remains showed that she had been stabbed
in a frenzied attack about 30 or 40 times.

Found by an Ann Arbor construction worker who tripped over an arm
sticking out of a patch of weeds close to the spot where Joan Schell’s
body had been discovered.
The body lay in the typical rape position, a branch had been jammed into
the vagina, and she had been severely beaten about the head and body.
Dawn Basom, was found at the side of a lonely country road in
Ypsilanti. She was found half naked and had been raped and strangled
with a black electrical flex, and had had her breasts almost cut off.

Found by 3 teenage boys who walked through a disused farmhouse.
She had been shot in the head, raped, stabbed repeatedly and had then
had her throat cut.

She was found in a wooded gully by a doctor and his wife.
Karen had been raped, beaten and strangled. Her panties had been stuffed
into her mouth.
More victims???
She was found by a pair of boys looking for fossils.
She was badly decomposed and nude, except for a pair of sandals and a
red-and-white cotton belt wrapped tightly around her neck.
She was raped, strangled with an electrical cord, and stuffed into a
sack. Like another victim, her bra was tied around her neck. She was
cruelly beaten with a hammer, and a three-inch nail was driven into her
skull. Her stockings were arranged on her body, but her shoes were
missing. There was evidence of sexual assault and her body was placed in
plain sight. |