Joseph CORBETT Jr. |

Joe Corbett's 1960 booking mug.
(Douglas County History Research
Center, Douglas County Libraries)

A neatly dressed Joe Corbett is photographed during his booking
in 1960 on suspicion of kidnapping and
killing Adolph Coors III,
heir to the Coors beer empire. Corbett had been the subject of a
manhunt that ended with his arrest in Vancouver, British
Columbia, on Oct. 29, 1960.
(Douglas County History Research Center,
Douglas County Libraries)

Joseph Corbett, Jr., suspect in the kidnap-slaying February
9, 1960 of Colorado brewer Adolph Coors III,
is taken into custody by
Captain Charles Morris of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.
Corbett was
captured in Vancouver, British Columbia, taken to Seattle,
Washington, turned over to U.S.
authorities and then flown to Denver
to stand possible trial in the case. November 1, 1960

Accused of the kidnap-slaying of Colorado Brewer Adolph Coors III,
Joseph Corbett, Jr., 32,
is led from the Jefferson County Jail to
stand trial on March 13th, in Golden Colorado.
Escorting Corbett is
Sheriff Art Wermuth, (L) and Investigator Harold Bray, (R).

Joseph Corbett, Jr., 32, is led from the Jefferson County Jail to
stand trial.
(Photo by John F. Urwiller)

Joseph Cobett, Jr. (center) listens as Jefferson County District
Judge Christian Stoner reads
the verdict, March
29th. Corbett was
pronounced guilty of the murder of Adolph Coors III,
in the first
degree. The sentence is
an automatic life imprisonment. District
Attorney Rone
Hardest is at the right and assistant D.A. Richard Hite is on the left, in this court room
scene. March 29, 1961.

Joseph Corbett Jr.

Joseph Corbett Jr. is seen here in a 1979 file photo.
(UPI file

Wooden bridge (left) is where the abandoned car of Adolph Coors
III, millionaire brewer was found.
No trace of Coors has been found since. Horses belonging to mounted
searches are at right.

This police photo shows the area near where Adolph Coors III
remains were found.
(Douglas County History Research Center, Douglas
County Libraries)
The victim
