Hamilton FISH |

Albert Hamilton Fish

Albert Hamilton Fish mugshot

Mug Shot of Albert H. Fish
This is a Rogue's Gallery picture of Albert H. Fish, a New York
house painter, who according
to police,
confessed to luring 10 year
old Grace Budd from her home on June 3, 1928, killing
her and
her body in Worthington, Woods near Greenburge, New York.
December 13, 1934
© Bettmann/CORBIS

Serial Killer Albert Fish on Trial
Child killer and cannibal Albert Fish is led into homicide court by
William King,
who captured Fish after a six year search.
December 14, 1934
© Bettmann/CORBIS

Albert Fish and his
relentless pursuer, Detective Will King
(New York Daily News)

Officer Searching for Evidence with Metal Detector
Officer William Moore, with electromagnetic metal detector, seeks
kitchen knife
as evidence against Albert Fish.
December 17, 1934
© Bettmann/CORBIS

View of Cottage Where Murder Took Place
Discovering a ramshackle cottage in the glades behind Wisteria House,
where Albert Fish, confessed to
murdering Grace Budd, police are
dismantling the old structure, and digging methodically the ground
surrounding it in a search for bones of possible other victims. The
house are at Greenberg, N.Y.
Photo shows the small cottage also
occupied by Albert Fish.
December 17, 1934
© Bettmann/CORBIS

Child Murderer Albert Fish
2/20/1935-East View, NY: Is Albert Fish Sane? The aged man, who is
under indictment for killing
Grace Budd, had two more needles
extracted from him at grasslands Hospital today (Feb. 20),
the total of such objects taken from him to 29, and as the Doctors
worked over him, he
cheerfully discussed his newest indictment as
slayer of Francis Mc Donnell, a Staten Island boy.
February 20, 1935
© Bettmann/CORBIS

One of the X-Rays of Fish's
pelvic region revealed 29 needles that had been
inserted in his body
and left there.
(New York Daily News)