Albert Hamilton Fish

Albert H. Fish Entering Court Trial
Albert H. Fish, wizened 65 year old character out of kraft-ebbing,
is entering the white plains
court to stand trial for his confessed
murder of 10- year- old Grace Budd. He is virtually
carried in by
deputy Sheriffs as he tries to hide his face.
March 11, 1935 © Bettmann/CORBIS

Albert H. Fish And Attorney James Demsey
3/12/1935-White Plans, NY: Albert H. Fish, on trial here for murder
of Grace Budd,
was caught
by the candid camera in smiling
conversation with his attorney, James
Demsey, during recess
of court
today, March 12.
The Aged defendant, who was charged with the
revolting murder of
a tiny girl,
shrank in his seat this afternoon,
when the girls mother pointed him out,
crying "There's the man,
that's Howard, i'll know him anywhere."
March 12, 1935 © Bettmann/CORBIS

Police Search Area Of Murder Scene
12/14/35-New York, NY: Medical examiner Amos Squires directs
policemen who are digging
for bones at
the spot in Westchester
County where parts of the body of slain Grace
Budd were found. One
policeman has something and is showing it to a physician.
Fish aged recluse confessed
to the horrible killing of the ten year
old girl whose
disappearance six years ago started a
nation wide
search which has at last been successful.
March 14, 1935 © Bettmann/CORBIS

The Skull of Grace Budd was
discovered buried with other pieces of her skeleton
beside a wall
behind the cottage.
(New York Daily News)

Kidnap Victim Grace Budd
Kidnapped victim Grace Budd. The Kidnapper was Albert Fish.
© Bettmann/CORBIS

One of over 1,000
circulars that were sent out by the NYPD to police departments
around the country.
The flyers never turned up any leads.
(New York Daily News)

Grace with her mother, older
sister and her younger brother.