Johann Hoch, (arrow), is shown entering the patrol wagon in New
York for his return to Chicago
to face
persecution in slayings of Marie Walcker Hoch and Amelia Fischer

Here is Johann Hoch, considered the peer of Bluebeards, who died
on the gallows in Chicago
in 1906
after he had been found guilty of the killing of twelve "wives".

Portrait of Johann Hoch, (on the left in the middle) and four
unidentified men in a room in Chicago,
Hoch was accused of bigamy with 11-23 wives and he was suspected of
murdering 6
of his wives. He was
convicted of killing one wife by slow poison and was hanged in 1906.
(Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum.)

Image of Johann Hoch and a group of men entering the County
County Criminal Courts Building located
on Dearborn and Hubbard Streets in the Near North Side community
area of Chicago, Illinois. Hoch was
accused of bigamy with 11-23 wives and he was suspected of murdering
6 of his wives.
(Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum.)

Johann Hoch during his murder trial.

Johann Hoch

Image of Mrs. Emelie Fisher Hoch, standing outdoors on the steps
to a building with men
standing at the top
of the steps.
This image was probably taken in Chicago, Illinois,
during the trial of Johann Hoch. Johann
Hoch was accused of bigamy with 11-23 wives and he was suspected of
murdering 6 of
his wives.
He was convicted of killing one wife by slow poison and was hanged
in 1906.
(Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum.)

Half-length portrait of Mrs. Emelie Fisher Hoch (wife of Johann
sitting in a room in Chicago, Illinois.
(Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum.)

Image of a cabinet card photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Johann Hoch,
in Chicago, Illinois.
The woman is standing and is resting her arm on the shoulder
of the
man, who is sitting in a chair.
(Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum.)

Informal group of three wives of Johann Hoch sitting on a bench
probably in the Criminal
Courts Building in the
Near North Side community area of Chicago, Illinois in Chicago,
Illinois. This image was probably taken during the investigation or trial of the Johann
Hoch bigamy and murder
(Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago History Museum.)