The front page of the Star on Jan. 22,
1957 shows Peter Woodcock and victim Carole Voyce, 4.
At top right,
Woodcock (with glasses) leaves court after being found not guilty by
of insanity. At left are victims Wayne Mallette (top), Voyce
(centre) and Gary Morris.
(Toronto Star File Photos)

Police mug shots of Peter Woodcock.

Peter Woodcock in court.

David Michael Krueger in a 1991 photo.

Bruce Hamill, a former patient who killed an elderly Ottawa woman
in 1984,
was an accomplice in the Brockville murder.

David Michael Krueger in a 1993 photo.
(Toronto Star File Photo)

David Michael Krueger in a 1997 photo.
(Peter Power/Toronto Star File Photo)