Ice pick and knife found under the bush near the utility room

Ice pick and knife as found on the morning of the murder outside
near the utility room door.

The ice pick, one of the murder weapons.

Old Hickory brand knife used in the murder found outside under
the bush near the utility room.

The Old Hickory and Genoveva Forge knifes.

The murder club

Murder club matched to piece of wood used as a bed slat from
Kim's bed.

Colette's pajama top.

Colette's pajama top.

MacDonald's pajama top.

MacDonald's pajama top.

MacDonald's pajama top.

MacDonald's pajama top with pins in the holes.

MacDonald's folded pajama top.

MacDonald's folded pajama top.

Kristen's pajama top.

Kristen's pajama bottoms.

One of Colette's hair pieces.

Sample section of one of Colette's hairpieces.