Jack Ruby in custody of police after the assassination of Lee
Harvey Oswald.

Police escort Jack Ruby, killer of accused presidential assassin
Lee Harvey Oswald, from the Dallas city
jail to a county facility. It was during just such a transfer that
Ruby shot Oswald.

Jack Ruby, who police say shot Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who was
charged with killing
President John F. Kennedy, is led to jail after
he was questioned and charged in the Dallas
City hall after the

Jack Ruby

Dallas night club owner Jack Ruby stands for a portrait at the
Dallas police station.

Jack Ruby

Fingerprint Card: Jack Leon Ruby - Case No.

Jack Ruby's Right Handprint

Jack Ruby's revolver (photo from Firearms Panel collection)

Test bullets fired from Jack Ruby's revolver (photo from Firearms
Panel collection)

Contents of Jack Ruby's estate, which includes the clothes worn
and gun used to kill Lee Harvey Oswald,
are on display at a trial to determine the executor of his estate.

Contents of Jack Ruby's estate, which includes the clothes worn
and gun used to kill Lee Harvey Oswald,
are on display at a trial to determine the executor of his estate

Graph from Jack Ruby lie detector test.
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