George Rivas

George Rivas

Prison inmates Joseph Garcia, Randy
Halprin, Larry Harper, Patrick Murphy Jr., Donald Newbury,
Rivas, and Michael Rodriguez, in these undated Texas prison
handout photos,
escaped Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2000, from the prison
near Kenedy, Texas.

The Connally Unit near Kenedy, Texas, was the scene of the
December 2000 breakout by the seven inmates.
(Photo: Eric Gay/The Associated Press)

George Rivas, one of the Texas Seven. was escorted into the Lew
Sterrett Justice Center
in Dallas on Feb. 1, 2001, after his
transfer from Colorado.
(Photo: Andy Scott/DallasNews.com)

George Rivas

In this Jan. 25, 2001, photo, George Rivas is lead from the elevator
to the courtroom on the second floor
of the Teller County Courthouse
in Cripple Creek, Colo.
On Dec. 13, 2000, Rivas's gang overpowered
workers at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Connally Unit
prison in Kenedy and stole the
workers' clothes, broke into the
prison's armory to get
guns, and drove away in a prison truck.
committed several robberies, including two in Houston, and then 11
days later,
gunned down
Aubrewy Hawkins, 27.
(Photo: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, C. Somodevilla / AP)

George Rivas listened to the charges read against him in court on
June 25, 2001.
(Richard Michael Pruitt/DallasNews.com)

George Rivas (center) listened to the charges read against him
with his lawyers William E. "Karo"
(left) and Wayne Huff
beside on June 25, 2001.
(Richard Michael Pruitt/DallasNews.com)

George Rivas

In this Nov. 19, 2003, photo, George Rivas, is sworn in at the trial
of Patrick Murphy Jr. in Dallas.
(Photo: Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Ian McVea / AP)

George Rivas

George Rivas speaks about
his part in the crime rampage by the Texas Seven from death row
the Allan Polunsky Unit prison in Livingston, Texas. Feb. 15, 2012
(Photo: The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Ron T. Ennis / AP)
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