Frederick Treesh, center, is flanked by his
lawyers James Ritts, left, and John Hawkins
during the sentencing phase of his trial in 1995

Frederick Treesh testifies at his murder trial in 1995.

Frederick Treesh

Frederick Treesh

Frederick Treesh

Frederick Treesh

Frederick Treesh

Frederick Treesh

Treesh was convicted of shooting security guard Henry Dupree four
times with a 9mm handgun, killing him,
and shooting cashier Louis Lauver twice in the head during a robbery
at the Vine Street News store to
get cash to buy crack cocaine.
The victims

Gassham "Gus" Danno, a Michigan man who was fatally gunned
down at a bookstore in that state.

Treesh was executed for killing Henry Dupree, 58, of Cleveland, on
Aug. 27, 1994, during a robbery
at the former Vine Street News adult bookstore in Eastlake.