The disused bank where human remains were stored in barrels.
(Photo Peter Mathew)

Detective Denis Edmonds looks at a disused bank vault where the
bodies were found in Snowtown in 1999.

Police Technical Services Officers remove items from a former
bank building at Snowtown.
Bryan Charlton

A hole excavated by police where a body was found.

Snowtown crime scene: during submissions, it was revealed that
serial killers Wagner
and Bunting cooked flesh from their final

The victims

Clinton Trezise, 22
(d. Aug 1992)
Tresize was found
buried in a shallow grave in 1994 at Lower Light. Was killed in
Bunting's living room
at his home in Salisbury North, by being
bashed with a shovel after being invited in for a social visit.

Ray Davies, 26
(d. Dec 1995),
A mentally
handicapped man who lived in a caravan in the back yard behind
Suzanne Allen's house
who became a target after her accusation that
he was a paedophile. Harvey assisted in his torture.
Davies was
never reported missing.

Suzanne Allen, 47
Allen was a friend of
Bunting's. She died some time after Davies, and her remains were
buried above his in the garden of the house at Salisbury North.
Her remains were wrapped in
eleven different plastic bags. Her death
was concealed by the accused and they continued to
collect her
pension, but they later claimed she had actually died of a heart
attack. Based on
the evidence presented at trial, the jury was
unable to decide without doubt
that she had been murdered.

Michael Gardiner, 19
(d. Aug 1997)
An openly gay
man murdered after a suspicion arose that he was also a paedophile.

Barry Lane, 42
(d. Oct 1997)
A gay man and cross
dresser who had been in a relationship with Wagner at the time
first met them in 1991 when he moved to their neighbourhood.
Trevilyan was a later
boyfriend of Lane's. Lane had been tortured by
having his toes crushed with pliers.

Thomas Trevilyan, 18
(d. 1997)
Trevilyan was found hanging
from a tree near Kersbrook in the Adelaide Hills, and was initially
presumed to have committed suicide. He had helped in the murder of
Barry Lane, but was
later killed after discussing the crime with
others. He was known to his family to have
suffered from paranoid
schizophrenia and was easily persuaded.

Gavin Porter, 29
(d. Apr 1998)
A heroin addict
and friend of Vlassakis. After Bunting, Elizabeth Harvey, Vlassakis,
and Youde
moved to Murray Bridge, South Australia, Porter also moved
in. Bunting decided he should be
the next victim after he was
pricked by a discarded syringe Porter left on the couch in the
living room. Porter was strangled in his car parked on the property.

Troy Youde, 21
(d. Sep 1998)
Vlassakis' half-brother
and son of Elizabeth Harvey who was living with them at Bunting's
Bridge house at the time of his death. He was killed in the
house after being dragged from
his bed while asleep. This was the
first murder Vlassakis participated in.

Fred Brooks, 18
(d. Sep 1998)
The intellectually
disabled son of Jodie Elliott, a woman in love with Bunting, was
chosen by Bunting
as an easy victim and lured to his house where he
was attacked and brutally tortured.

Gary O'Dwyer,
(d. Nov 1998)
Man disabled in
an earlier car accident and on a pension, O'Dwyer was a stranger,
picked as an easy target.
Was killed in his home in Frances Street,
Murray Bridge, by Bunting, Wagner and Vlassakis.

Elizabeth Haydon, 37
(d. Nov 1998)
Mark Haydon's
wife, killed by Bunting and Wagner in her home while her husband was